Colton & Meghan's Love Story
December 20th, 2016 - Jaco, Costa Rica

It was the day prior to our departure from Jaco, Costa Rica. The highly anticipated trip our families had planned together a year prior was winding to conclusion. We spent the last four days adventuring through the lush countryside, exploring the seaside towns, and soaking up the sun. This day was no different, we spent the morning and afternoon climbing the coastal mountains in ATV's, exploring hidden waterfalls, and eating indigenous cuisine. It was this very day that I was going to ask the woman of my dreams to marry me. As evening approached we trekked up a nearby mountain for our dinner reservations at Adventure Dining. Perched high atop the mountainside, our views stretched across the entire horizon. Over the balcony, the clouds below gave way to the dense jungle and rushing streams. Beautiful blue macaws soared across the valley. As the sun began to dip behind the ocean, I seized the opportunity and decided this is the moment. I signaled to our families and they made way, leaving Meghan alone against the balcony railing. I nervously made my way towards her, she was wearing her turquoise sun dress, brightly smiling as I approached. I got right in front of her, grabbed her by both hands and told her that I loved her and that I have always loved her. I bent down to one knee as I drew the ring box from my pocket. I looked up at Meghan as she began to gasp. I opened the box and "popped the question". Without a pause, she replied with "of course" as tears streamed down her face.
Fast forward exactly one year and ten days later to the moment we said "I Do", December 30th, 2017. I slid the exquisite handmade ring, designed by our dear friend, Ambrosia, on her dainty finger and locked her down for life.

Custom cushion cut diamond engagement ring and diamond wedding band for Meghan, and a hammered titanium wedding band for Colton